Program Goals:
- The first four weeks of the program were focused on final technical improvements and pulling strength off the floor.
- The second four weeks were focused on setting up Jordan up for feeling heavy weights in the competitive movements and to have two days devoted entirely to technique to allow for recovery from the heavy lifts on Day 1/Day 2/Day 6
- Get Jordan consistent with weights above 90% to ensure at least a 4 for 6 performance to hit the standard for the 2018 Senior World Team.
Volume: Moderate first four weeks, low second four weeks
Intensity: High for 8 weeks
Program Duration: 8 Weeks with a taper on the last week.
Lifting Duration: One hour twenty minutes to one hour forty minutes
Schedule: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday (Athlete Day), Saturday
Equipment Needed: Barbell, bumper plates, kettlebells, bands, pull up bar, 6” boxes for dropping weights, reverse hyper, prowler/sled
Results: Jordan Wissinger had suffered a wrist injury shortly after competing at the AO1 in Columbus, Ohio. Over three months, from April until June, Jordan was unable to go overhead with any lifts. During this time, he only squatted and did light pulls to focus on technique off the floor. By June, we started to go overhead once a week. Starting with the first four weeks of this program, Jordan increased his frequency overhead, leading into the final four weeks where we pushed his nagging wrist injury as much as possible. By the end of this eight week program, he hit a personal best in the clean and jerk and total at a NEW WEIGHT CLASS, two kilos lower than his previous weight class. This is a phenomenal result!